7 Things That Will Blow Your Mind About Lucky Numbers

There are plenty of superstitions and beliefs in society that can affect the way we perceive things. Have you ever considered the huge impact numbers have on our lives, and why they are so important? We encounter numbers every single day, and they play prominent roles in our lives, i.e. money or birthdays, etc.

So, as you might imagine, there are a lot of superstitions and folklore pertaining to lucky and unlucky numbers. These are things that have shaped cultures throughout history, and their influence is still felt to this day. Here are seven amazing, mind-blowing facts about lucky numbers.

1. They Vary in Different Countries

One of the most important things to remember about lucky numbers is that they vary depending on cultures and countries. For example, in Western culture, the number 13 is considered to be very unlucky, but in China, it is a lucky number. Similarly, 4 is thought to be unlucky in China because it is very similar in pronunciation to the word for death. It is interesting how the idea of lucky numbers is universal, but the numbers themselves change dependent upon the culture.

2. Lucky 12

Many people consider 12 to be a lucky number, even though it isn’t one of the traditional ones. The reason for this is that it is a large, even number. It can be divided in half, quarter or a third. The divisible nature of 12, coupled with its rarity makes it a favourite for a lot of people. Furthermore, its proximity to the number 13 leads many people to see it as the polar opposite of that number.

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3. Number 7

Traditionally, the number you probably most associated with being lucky is likely to be the number 7. This is generally more the case in Western cultures due to the influence of Christianity. The number 7 plays a big role in Christian teachings, and this is one of the reasons why it’s considered to be so popular. It is also a prime number, which many people consider fortuitous. In spite of its link to the ‘Seven Year Itch,’ the number is still thought of as being lucky.

4. 13 Isn’t Always Bad!

Many of us consider 13 to be a hugely unlucky number, but that isn’t always the case. See, there are some cultures, such as Chinese, in which 13 is considered to be lucky. Many of their number superstitions stem from the pronunciations of the words. For instance, the 1 in 13 sounds like ‘definite,’ and the 3 sounds like ‘life.’ So the Chinese view this as a good omen, and, for them, the number becomes a lucky number. Maybe not such unlucky 13 after all!

5. Choose Your Own Lucky Number

You might already have a lucky number, or you may be in a position where you want to choose one for yourself. You could always use any of the numbers in your birth date, but you may want to be more original than that. You could add the digits of your phone number to get, say 45. Then go 4+5 = 9, and have 9 as your lucky number. It might also be an idea to choose using the System of the Ancients, and you can read more about that online.

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6. 6 Numbers Could Change Your Life

Our fascination with lucky numbers has never been more obvious than with the lottery. This is gambling using lucky numbers on a weekly basis. You choose 6 random numbers, and they could wind up winning you millions. You can select numbers you know, or you can take online quizzes to help generate these numbers for you.

7. It’s Less Random Than You Might Think

There are numbers that are culturally considered to be lucky, but we have our own numbers as well. And we think this is often random, but it rarely ever is. You see, all of the numbers we define as lucky are subconsciously linked to things we know or love. As such, our lucky number are almost never random.